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Lige inden du forlader min profil , vil jeg godt have du læser dette jeg har skrevet neden for. LÆS DETTE OG TÆNK DIG OM FØR DU TAGER EN ØL MERE OG KØRER HJEM I went to a party , and remembered what you said. You told me not to drink , Mom so i had a sprite instead. I felt proud of myself , the way you said I would , that I didn't drink and drive though some friends said I should I got into my car sure to get home in one piece , I never knew what was coming Mom , something I expected least Now I'm lying on the pavement , and I hear the policeman say , the kid that caused this wreck was drunk , Mom , his voice seems far away My own bloods is all around me , as I tried hard not to cry , I can hear the paramedic say this girl is going to die I'm sure the guy had no idea , while he was flying high , because he chose to drink and drive , now I would have to die. So way do people do it , Mom knowing that it ruins lives? And now the pain is cutting me , like a hundred stabbin knives. Tell sister not to be afraid , Mom tell daddy to be brave , and when i go to heaven , put daddy's gril on my grave. Someone should have taught him , Mom , that it's wrong to drink and drive , meybe if his parents had. I'd still be alive. My breath is getting shorter , Mom I'm getting really scared. These are my final moments. And I'm so unprepared. I wish that you could hold me Mom , as i lie here and die , I wish that I could say , "I love you Mom" , so I love you and good-bye. NU DA DU HAR LÆST DET SÅ , HAR DU VEL IKKE LYST TIL AT , TAGE DEN ØL MERE OG KØRE HJEM VEL......?????

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