Offline - 14 år



English Hello all together or ... degree in reading this psycho long text must bore you very much! because it is long! and i have no life in the way it reads the XD I have not even can not understand why I write such a long text. but it comes in multiple languages ... XD then select the language you want XD my name is Kathrine Fleischer (hate it) XD but just call me Kitty. are for the most named Kat or Kitty XD I was born XD D.24/6-1996-95 it may even find out whether it is 96 or 95 XD I´m 14 years and i´m only 1.63 cm high (proud ) XD my mom and my dad are divorced and live in fact instead of a stay in a small sleeping town XD I go on Vaarst Fjellerad school (Poor little shit school) XD I´m depending on chewing gum and chocolate (nam nam) XD I have not many friends at school but not too little. Some mean more than others, or .... XD I´m not single but busy XD (my boyfriend Anders <3) XD I too often to know I talk too much but I like it XD´´I nedern and rather boring to be with ... or something ... Oo XD I have lots of posters on my wall XD just over 100 .. or something XD I can not very well liked snobbish and make-up dolls or what the fuck now XD they might not like me so it´s fair XD I have 3 idols XD (bands) Rammstein, Green Day, Slipnot XD 3 coolest bands on earth XD I live in a residence in Gunderup. and some of have to ask me it is okay to live there. have lived there for 4 months now. and it is lovely. bedstevenine here in my place of stay is clearly Naja she is just mega fun to be together with.XD My boyfriend <3 love you game much <3 though you live a little away from me, I will stage love you <3 can remember the first time I saw you <3 you looked so lovely addition <3 and that makes you stage. <3 you are mega-cute and beautiful miin <3 Anders + Kitty 4EVER Your Girl for you says stop <3 I am actually 100% not care how old you are. so certain you are somewhat older than me so be nice to me: p we Emo´er are usually sensitive. others just fool did ^ ^, I´m just the host. but the way you are pedophiles, you can just as well go straight away. xD Can not actually write more XD so you were lucky XD but some of want to know more then open your mouth and say´´hey, I get your msn or something´´or ... ´´hey you´´or facebook ... o.s.v and some have visited in my profile can as well be us a message in my Gb. I do not bite xD [just a little: P) . Name:. Kitty, cat, Kadi .: Age:. ** Three Year ^ ^, .: Status:. Recorded by my Anders <3 .: by:. Gistrup (sleeping city) ^ ^ .: msn:. Yes self ^ ^ .: mobile:. Jeep can not live without ^ ^ .: Sport:. Badminton .: holiday:. Friends, computer, family .: love:. Very .: hate:. Something .: y color. Black & Pink .: h-color. Lýsélíllá .: b-friends. Sarah & Alexander .: more:. Spørq Lidt Dansk .:návné:. Kitty,kat,Kadi .:áldér:. ** UnDeRlIgE År ^^, .:státús:. Optaget af miin Anders<3 .:by:. Gístrúp(Sóvébýén)^^ .:msn:. Já sélf^^ .:mobil:. Jéép kán íkké lévé údén^^ .:sport:. Bádmíntón .:frítíd:. Vénnér,cómpútér,fámílíe .:elsker:. Méqét .:hader:. Nóqét .:y-farve:. Sórt&Pínk .:h-farve:. Lýsélíllá .:b-venner:. Sáráh&Áléxándé .:mere:. Spørq . . Name:. Kitty, Katze, Kadi .: Alter:. ** Drei Jahre ^ ^, .: Status:. Aufgenommen von meiner Anders <3 .: Von:. Gistrup (Schlaf-Stadt) ^ ^ .: MSN:. Ja selbst ^ ^ .: Handy:. Jeep kann nicht leben ohne ^ ^ .: Sport:. Badminton .: Urlaub:. Freunde, Computer, Familie .: Love:. Sehr .: Hass:. Etwas .: Y color. Black & Pink .: H-Farbe. Lýsélíllá .: B-Freunde. Sarah & Alexander .: Mehr:. Spørq OG NU GIDER JEG IKKE SKRIVE MERE SERIØST xd VI SKAL TIL DET SJOVE NU :p GÅ NED AF LÆNGER LÆNGER LIDT ENDU EJ... GIDER IKKE ALLIGEVEL

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